Thursday, 4 February 2010

Tuesday, 2 February 2010


This is the final script we have decided upon for our filming.

Character List:
Will (played by Mike)
Chris (played by Joe)
Phantom (played by Reece)

Will: Chris, I really don’t know, this doesn’t feel right…

Chris: Will! We’ve been researching this for 6 whole years! And you want to back out now?

Will: Yeah… sorry, just last-minute nerves…

(Will glances up at abandoned school. Switch to phantom point of view)Phantom: (heavy breathing)

(Quick takes of phantom down stairs, out of door, going to the path. Phantom spies in bushes on Chris and Will talking)

Chris: Christ, Will, you look like you’ve seen a ghost... (Laughs)

Will: (shouts) SHUT UP! I can’t do this!(Will walks off. Twig snaps. Will turns round)

Chris: …the fuck?!(Phantom attacks Chris and kills him. Will starts running)(Trips over. Phantom attacks)

Will: ARRRGHHHH!(Camera zooms out of eye. Back to beginning)

Chris: Will! We’ve been researching this for 6 whole years! And you want to back out now?

Will: Chris! Listen to me, we can’t do this. I’ve seen what’s gunna happen…(Interrupted by Chris)

Chris: What?! Well, if you’re such a psychic, fuck off then. I’m doing this, whether you’re coming or not.

Will: Please, Chris! I’m begging you. Don’t go!

Chris: Did you just hear what I said? I’m going whether you’re coming or not.

Will: (angry) don’t say I didn’t warn you Chris!! (Storms off)

(Camera behind Will walking away. Looks round and hears scream)

(Zooms into Will’s eye. Blackout)